

● MRD believes transparency ensures honesty, accountability and improved performance and has adopted it as one of its core ways of working and integrated it within its code of conduct and operating systems.
● MRD believes it is the right of our beneficiaries, supporters, and other stakeholders to be informed and have access to information about our operations and their results as well as the structure and policies we employ.
● MRD strives to ensure that information related to its operations, decision making, finances, structure, policies, procedures, and governance is transparent, accessible, and communicated to relevant stakeholders in a timely and appropriate manner.
● MRD achieves this by detailing standards for accessibility and communication of information at all levels and making staff accountable for adhering to these standards.
● Where necessary MRD will balance the need for providing information with the need to allocate resources reasonably, and the justifiable risks sharing such information may present to the organization and our staff. In these cases, our policy states whose responsibility the risk assessment is and the scrutiny process over justifications made.
In practice this will fall under three main areas
● Transparency surrounding our presence and operations in an area.
● Transparency around our organization and its decision making, and key documents.
● Transparency surrounding our spending: MRD has committed to providing full financial transactions for government and third-party audits.