MRD’s Annual Report 2023

Dear valued partners,Mari’s Board of Directors, we are honored to present to you our 2023 Annual Report. We are proudthat we have made great strides in our mission to empower Syrians and support communities innortheastern Syria through economic empowerment, protection programs, agriculture, education,and business development. Over the past year, we have worked tirelessly to identify […]

The situation of women in Deir Ez-Zur

The Syrian government ratified accession to the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women in 2002, but it has presented 15 reservations to the provisions of the Convention, the most prominent of which was the reservation to Article Two of the Convention, which is related to the denunciation of all forms […]

Support Program

On the first of November, Mari will launch a support program as one of our sustainable programs at the orginaztion to help emerging civil organizations and social groups, and activists in the civil field and support them to reach better civil communities. The support program provides additional opportunities, such as technical, advisory, and logistical support, […]

The Social Contract NE Syria

Mari Organization and TIVEN held 6 workshops in different areas in Qamishli – Raqqa – Deir ez-Zor as part of the “Weshaej” initiative – The social contract, with the participation of a number of civil and political activists. In addition to human rights for defenders and community leaders from various regions in north and east […]

Afforestation campaign – Jussor project

This week, Mari, together with a number of individuals and also the towns of Muhaimida – Al Sa’wa – Al Ali, carried out an afforestation effort in the two stated regions. This campaign is part of the Jusoor project, which Mari is working on in collaboration with the USAID-funded Primary Services Program to improve resilience […]

Partnership agreement

A partnership contract has been signed between Mari and the USAID Funded Basic Services Program. For the participatory evaluation and planning projects for the offices of the organizations, humanitarian Affairs, that working in Deir Ezzor civil council. “USAID Syria”. The project aims to strengthen the capacity of the offices of the organizations and humanitarian affairs […]

New Session under “our security is priority”

Mari held a session to discuss the mechanisms of merging communities, as part of the activities of our social security projects, displaced persons and returnees, with the participation of representatives of local authorities and representatives of host communities, displaced persons and returnees, on Sunday, August 29, 2021 at Mary’s office in Muhaimida. The conditions that […]

The social gathering – Initiative and Affiliation

On the 4th and 5th of September, Mari and TEVIN organized two different workshops in the city of Qamishli, with the participation of a number of civil, political, and human rights activists from different ethnic and regional backgrounds in the north and east of Syria. On the first day, the participants discussed multiple axes of […]

Active Citizen

Mari performed a field visit to the Culture Committee on Monday 6/9/2021 as part of the evaluation process of active citizens, in the presence and involvement of a number of activists and citizens. Those in charge of the committee were given a comprehensive explanation of the committee’s work and the problems it encounters during this […]